Register Your Interest in Tinker Town!

Welcome to Tinker Town!

Why are we creating Tinker Town?

We want to create a safe space for gear heads like ourselves to work on and build up our rigs incase getting someone else to do it isn't for you. We understand that not everyone has access to proper tools, equipment or a suitable space to work on your pride and joy.

We have noticed a consistent trend of sub-par work being performed on DIY builds which not only can impact re-sale value, appearance and performance, but most importantly safety of you and other road users. We believe making a safe and professional place to do this will not only be a game changer for ease of work, but also making your cars safer on the road by helping to prevent dodgy D.I.Y workmanship.

In the process we hope to create a positive community and club of enthusiasts to get along and make a shared and affordable workspace with added perks along the way to sweeten the deal, as well as wanting to create learning opportunities. Some of the perks we believe would be beneficial would include, discounted parts & upgrades, other industry membership perks, social aspects, industry knowledge and education.


This will first kick off in Christchurch, New Zealand neighbouring our Garlands Road Workshop. In future proving its success we will love to expand into more zones!

Lets cut to the chase... We need you to register your interest in the idea to make this happen, without enough people, this cannot happen, have a read about the concept and what you, if you are 1 of the 25 Founding Members you will get.

Founding Member Perks:

  • Only $140 per Month (~$35p/w)
  • Free T-shirt on sign up
  • Access to Vehicle Hoist
  • Access to tools (expanding Collection)
  • Discounted parts and service equipment
  • Emergency Parts Delivery
  • Safe Workspace
  • 8hr Workshop Use per month
  • Opportunity to make friends
  • Any Future Club perks and industry Benefits to be added
  • Cheaper Rates than any non founding member that may join later


How it Works:

For starters the Space will be able to be booked 9am-5pm Daily, you must book in the shared calendar prior to ensure a staff member will be onsite.

Keeping this place clean and safe is crucial to remaining viable and open. respect the premises and neighbours or this will Not work.

Each Founding Member will sign up to the minimum 4 month Founding Membership at the price of $140 Per Month = ($35 Per week) **Note: if weekly deductions are required or requested by member, be aware transaction fees may be included.**

Each Member is entitled to 8 hrs workshop access Per month which is to be booked through the members calendar. If you do not use all your hours one month, they can carry over to the next month. There will be a maximum of 8hrs carry over to limit stacking which would then causing calendar blockages for the other members

You can Top up or negotiate Hours, or If you are trained and are signed off prior, you may Earn shop hours by being a monitoring volunteer on weekends where work is booked by other members.

A Volunteer Monitors Role is super simple, to be present on site, ensure the safety of the working member, this could mean showing proper use of tools, only authorised personal on site, any visitors have signed waivers, NO illegal activities or disruptive behaviour is happening, calling emergency services if needed, ensure their is no theft of tools, this will mean a stock take of tools post booking to ensure everything is back in position and that the member has left the premises clean and tidy for the next.

Founder Members Charges

  • Up to 15% OFF Parts
  • $140 Per Month (8hrs Use included)
  • Hourly use rate top up = volunteer hours or trade hours with another member or $17.50p/h 

NON Member Usage Pricing:

  • Full Day Usage = $200
  • Hourly Rate = $30